Foster resources

Foster Pet Emergency Information

Emergency Contact

Daytime Emergencies

Monday - Saturday, 9am - 6pm | Call 828-776-1203 or 828-776-0270

After Hours Emergencies
Sundays, Federal Holidays, Monday - Saturday, 6pm - 9am | Call 828-231-0365
You must call for approval before seeking outside medical care.
We employ a full-time vet and a team of medical staff. We will always do everything in our power to treat any foster pet emergencies.
Scheduling foster pick-ups or need supplies

Call, email, or text Laura at 828-768-5451

Medical questions or medication refills

Call, email, or text Mallory at 828-776-1203 or Ash at 828-776-0270 |

All other inquiries can be emailed to


Critical: Call us immediately
Lost foster | Bites that break skin | Severe lethargy/non-responsive | Difficulty breathing | Cold to the touch | Kittens or puppies under five weeks losing weight, not eating, or having severe diarrhea | Broken bones or sudden swelling | Severe lacerations | Injuries to eyeball | Seizures | Toxic plant or substance ingestion | Vomiting blood or repeat attempts to vomit | Male cats screaming while trying to urinate/not producing urine
Urgent: Email or call our daytime number, we will follow up the next day if after hours.
Severe/leaking diarrhea | Vomiting more than twice | Not eating | Limping | Minor injury (minimal bleeding)
Less Urgent: Email or call our daytime number, we will follow up the next day if after hours.
Congestion | Weepy/swollen eyes | Nasal discharge/coughing | Hair loss or skin lesions | "Happy Tail" | Fleas or parasites | Vomiting (1-2x) | Bloody stool | Diarrhea | Cats urinating outside of litter box

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